Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Need A Steroid Mute Button

I love baseball. In fact, I love it so much that I follow it closely even in the off-season. And I'm sick to death of hearing about Roger Clemens, George Mitchell and Bud Selig. I know what performance enhancing drugs say about the sport, and I know that players who have gained from them should somehow be punished. Baseball should establish a commission to determine guilt and innocence and allow players to confront their accusers and see the evidence against them. But until someone is willing to do this, I just don't care.

Clemens and his fellow Mitchell Report victims have been accused of something, yet there is no recourse to address their accusers save through law suits and the court of public opinion. There is no process to redress grievances, there is no physical evidence to challenge and there is no recourse. These guys have had their names dragged through the mud. They are "tainted" without ever having their day in court. They are guilty until (if ever) they can prove themselves innocent.

This side show is disgusting and serves no ones interest. So fuck it. I want ESPN to install a button on their website that allows me to look at the MLB page with the steroid coverage turned off.

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