Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Obama and Volunteering

New York Times posted a blog about Obama's plans to increase volunteerism among the youth in America I think this is really great, and really gets to the root of the problem in this country... people don't do things for people anymore. That's the whole idea behind liberalism, that if you just create government programs to do things for you, you don't have to do them yourselves. I love to see a candidate first of all speaking so people who were born after the '60's, and making a cry for people to become involved in their communities. How ANYONE can see poverty and become only outraged enough to wait until the next election to vote for someone more liberal instead of doing something themselves is completely beyond me. If this is something that you care about, how can you not do something about it. I wish that some of the Republican candidates would talk about ideas like this! Republicans don't want people to be cold, hungry, lonely, or poor. They just think that you should probably do something about it instead of asking the government to create a program to ease your conscience. Do you know that conservatives are more likely to donate to charity than liberals? They're also more likely to donate blood. I seriously love this kind of commitment to actually making America a better place to be in, instead of ranting on and on only about how awful the war in Iraq is, or how awful rich people are, or how awful President Bush is, or how awful Christians are, or how awful everybody is. But read the comments after the NYT blog, they are truly sickening.

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