Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something fascinating.

Sometimes I browse foreign media with nothing but google translate to help me. This is choppy but fascinating.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Something reasonable.

There are a lot cnidarian* defenses of Roman Polanski being put forth today by some of the most detestable people I have encountered on the internet in days.

This, however, strikes me as a reasonable and important point. At the end of all this, Roman Polanski may walk out of a Los Angeles court room as a free man. That might be the correct decision based on the way the case was handled. It is in the laws interest, though, that Mr. Polanski see the inside of a court room again, whatever the final verdict.

*I sort of like that word.

This article embodies all conservative stereotypes about the liberal media.

It is official.

"In the coming weeks, the Polanski affair will no doubt become a tabloid sensation, with op-ed moralists, excitable bloggers* and the Glenn Becks of the world noisily weighing in on the propriety of his possible prosecution."

Only people on the level of Glenn Beck find child rape and fleeing the country to be actions deserving of legal consequences.

*Hi! I am an excitable blogger.

Come on, NYT.

Someone is being a lazy editor today. The headline for this piece makes no sense, since 12:40 AM is not, in any way, prime time.